A Life More Ordinary

“I met my ex-partner and children’s father when I was 17. He was aggressive from the early days. When I hit a low I call The Portal. I go to groups that they run, just women going through the same thing. It’s so helpful to know you aren’t alone. I’ve started going to the gym again and I get so much strength from it. I didn’t know what a normal life looked like until I had the courage to leave him.”

“I knew I had a stalker and I thought he could be dangerous. He approached me and backed me into a corner in the park, so I stopped walking with my dog. I was paralysed with fear. It’s amazing that within a year I’ve gone from ringing for help, to my stalker being in prison. I now have the freedom to walk again.”

“When I was 15, I was sexually assaulted by a strange man on the bus. Victim Support and the Young Witness Service were incredible with me. She asked me one question and I opened up and talked for about an hour. I had my first piercing on a year to the day after the assault; it was something that I was choosing to happen to my body on that date.”

“The first time my ex-partner assaulted me it was a surprise, but I knew it would happen again. I have always loved art, but I didn’t do it as much when I was with him. Ending that relationship with the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. The Portal was a lifeline for me. I have a desire to be creative again. I saw other women on the road to recovery and that really helped.”

”I have, wrongly, thought I just need to get used to transphobic comments. When these sorts of things happened I would go to the drop in centre and talk to friends and the in-house counsellor. They have given me loads of encouragement to be myself. I don’t feel vulnerable on the streets anymore.”

“The last time he hit me was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Somebody told me about Action on Elder Abuse. Gail has been my rock, my guardian angel. He was always jealous of me singing. I’ve not got dressed up like this for two years. I used to love singing here. Being back is like coming home.”